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Proposed measures

Sexual and moral harassment

Proposed measure:
Developing an informative kit regarding sexual and moral harassment
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Raising awareness on sexual and moral harassment, on how to recognize abuse and the means to identify and differentiate between the various types of abuse, defining limits and concepts


September 2021 – January 2022

Target audience

All employees


- Internal research for best practices and case studies regarding sexual or moral harassment informative kits
- Developing the informative kit
- Organizing a training on the content of the informative kit
- Evaluate the knowledge gained by employees following the training session


- One informative kit
- One training session

Performance indicators

- Short term: >90% employees informed
- Middle term:  when evaluated more than 80% of the employees should be able to identify different types of harassment and indicate what further actions should be taken
- Long Term: More than 80% of the employees are familiar with the concepts and types of sexual/moral harassment and know what action to take in case of any kind of sexual or moral harassment